2nd Trimester

Might be over thinking.. Mom's of 2+

I've been brainstorming about room situations and stroller options. I have a 2.5 year old and a 1 year old. I currently own a double stroller, Graco one. And a single jogging stroller. I am wanting to get a double jogging stroller because of where we live it's hard to use my graco one just to go for a stroll down my road. It's dirt. But we've used it quite a lot in town and when we are visiting family out of town. My problem is whether I should keep it or get rid of it because I am getting a double jogging stroller? I feel like I am quickly gaining a collection of strollers. Also, I want to keep it because it folds up so well and can be easily taken for out of town trips. I have a single jogging stroller that I want to keep in case my DD wants to walk and I have the new baby in a carrier or if I just am bring one or two kids with me...or I am being ridiculous?

I think am probably silly to be thinking so hard about this in the first place. : ) Thanks for the advice

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