Single Parents

Long and complicated, but need advice..

Hi all. I briefly introduced myself before, but didn't really give any background and I have a question for some people who may know better than I. Basically I just got out of my three year relationship that, for the most part, was extremely physically and verbally abusive. There were hospital visits and the police were called a few times, and it was a pretty nasty situation. I got pregnant by accident (on my part, not his) and he was better for a while during the pregnancy, promising to go to counceling or get on a mood stabilizer or something to that extent to make sure nothing happened again. It seemed like he was pretty set on changing. He didn't. We had a few good months in, but that was it. I moved out and am now staying with family until I can get back on my feet and I know things are stable for me and my baby. Before I left he made threats towards me and the baby. Now that I am gone, he has been going back and forth a lot about custody and visitation. For a while he says he will fight to see his daughter, then he will say if I don't want him around her he's fine with that. I'm getting confused and scared. The other part of this is that he already has a child, a four year old girl, and has gone back and forth to court to get his visitation for her and only recently got it reinstated. Her mother goes back and forth on wanting him in her life and then thinking he is unsafe. At the advice of a councelor, I tried contacting her about how he has treated the daughter and acted in front of her. She basically said I was lying and she didn't want to hear it. So now I'm confused and scared. I'm going to have this baby in about ten weeks (assuming I'll have her on the due date) and I have him and his family talking to me constantly about how much involvement he is going to have with her. And honestly, as terrible as it sounds, I do NOT trust him. They've seen the way he treats his daughter (calling her a b-word, an effing brat, thrown things at her and around her, and beaten me in front of her), and they haven't done a thing. They just say he needs time to adjust. I don't want to risk my baby. He has gone through anger management and therapy, and now refuses to go back. Saying he has 'learned all he can and it won't do any good now'. I feel like I've tried all I can to get him to work towards being a more stable person. Basically I'm asking for advice on how to handle this and what I need to be prepared for if he does decide to pursue any type of custody or visitation.. Please no flames. I know I was stupid for staying in a horrible relationship, but I got out for my baby. Any advice is appreciated.
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