3rd Trimester

36 1/2 weeks... Just found out baby is breech. Kinda long.

Hey all... It's been a long time since I posted , but I wanted to get some feedback on my situation.


K, so I went in for my GSB test and asked my OB To do an internal. I'm 1cm and she felt something that made her want to do a quick US. Well, we're breech. Then she wanted to go ahead and do the NST test for the week which apparently made her say "are you feeling these contractions?" no... I wasn't . I felt one. I've been feeling what I guess are contractions that I dismissed as BH off and on. Last night I the shower there were two pretty painful ones.

So, Monday I'm supposed to go in for a full growth scan to see if turning the baby is possible. If so, then I go in on Wednesday. 

my question is, do you guys think I'm gonna go early? Something tells me I am, especially after than NST...but I don't know.


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