2nd Trimester

how to keep your parents in line

I'm half joking here but if you have a mother who is highly anxious, overbearing, and extremely controlling, you might want to try the approach I'm using with my mom.

I told her that if she behaves herself (a phrase she often uses with me...even now...I'm 37) that I would let her come to an U/S later in my pregnancy.  She was SO excited and now, every time she gets worked up and control-freakish about something all I have to do is calmly remind her of the US and she drops the subject!

I figure having her in the US will be...interesting...as she drives the tech crazy with all her questions and tries to tell her how to do her job, but, hey if it gives me a few months of peace then I'll take it!

Ah, the joys of innovative thinking :)


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