3rd Trimester

Lurker: Changing OB at 28 Weeks Guilt

Hi everyone,

 I've been absolutley terrible about getting on the bump but I love to look through posts every once in a while to see what everyone is going through. :)

Did any of you have change OB's later in your pregnancies? I am 28 (almost 29!) weeks along and just decided to change mine this week. I'm feeling a little guilty because I actually really liked my doctor, but after researching the two hospitals in my area, I decided that the other hospital that my OB doesn't deliver at would be best for us.

 We've decided to go the natural non-medicated route after reading up and really thinking what about was best for us and our original hospital just wasn't very "natural-friendly" if you know what I mean (no walking the halls or showering, no birth balls, bars, or tubs, c-section pressure seems higher...that kind of thing). The new (to us) hospital has and encourages unmedicated methods of labor, plus they offer natural childbirth and relaxation classes, and free doula services....which I love. So....I shouldn't feel guilty, right? I guess I'm just afraid it will come back to bite me in the butt.

 I made an appointment today with a doctor who delivers at this new hospital and they asked that I get my papers released from my old OB. How do I go about doing this? Do I just call the front desk and say that I'm switching? Do I need to offer an explanation? I guess I'm just nervous because I feel so bad and have never met this new doctor before!

 TIA for your input! Sorry about the long post!

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