3rd Trimester

membranes stripped, lost MP... now we wait :)

Hey ladies!

Second time mom here, going for a VBAC! Yesterday midwife checked me at 2cm and 50% effaced. She said she could sweep my membranes if I was ok with that. I said yes. This was my first experience with the membrane sweep because I had a low-lying placenta with DD, so this is new to me. It wasn't very painful... just about as uncomfortable as any internal exam has been. She explained everything she was doing which helped me understand the process.

This morning I woke up and lost pieces of my mucous plug. I continue to find more pieces throughout the day, some tinged with blood which I was told to expect. I've also had increased bowel movements (sorry if TMI), like 3-4 times a day.

No real contractions yet... just the same braxton hicks i've been getting for the past few weeks. I'm due next Thursday, but I feel like baby might come this weekend. Just a feeling.

For those second (+) time moms, what has your experience been with sweeping/stripping of membranes?  Just curious to hear some stories. 

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