3rd Trimester

I have no idea when the baby will be here! Stop asking me please.

 Just venting. I  know people are just excited, blah blah blah. But....

I have no flippin idea.  Just cuz I'm the mom doesn't mean I know.

 My mom keeps asking me,  people on facebook keep asking me, my MIL and FIL ask me.....

Even my husband who knows better, keeps asking me. He said this morning, "Well, you have a better idea than anyone else."  No, sweetheart, I don't.  Truly.  

I have no idea when I will go into labor, people!  Yes, I am dilated 3cm.  I was also dilated 3cm with DD for 2 1/2 weeks.  Yes, I feel a lot of cramping.  I felt a lot of cramping for several weeks before DD was born.

I. have. no. idea.

A lady from our church who is also a photographer is going to take pics of our baby in the hospital and also after we get home. Awesome.  But this morning she writes me this messgae:

how soon are we talking? 48 hours or less? And is your phone number still XXX-XXX-XXXX? How long does your labor last?

My phone home phone is XXX-XXX-XXXX; cell XXX-XXX-XXXX. I'm usually up late, if you (or someone not in labor) could call me (or text if it's after 10 pm) when you go to the hospital I would appreciate the heads up. I'm thinking I might reschedule my senior session for monday since there's no school that day.


Ugh.  I politely responded back that I have no idea, but I will be sure to let her know, yadda yadda.

Is this because people have gotten used to the idea of planned inductions and c-sections? 


Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers natural miscarriages- 12/18/07 & 2/18/13 (AKA:KRISTA555)
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