2nd Trimester


So my MIL (who has 3 boys.. and would have given up a son for a daughter.. no joke she told me this) and I use to have a great relationship... until she found out I was pregnant with DD#1.. then she started to treat me sort of odd... when she found out I was actually having a girl the first time... a little more odd... when I had DD.. ohh my even weirder!!! She lives 3 hours away and doesnt get to see DD very much.. but always asks if she can come over for the weekend and what not and the gets mad when we tell her No.. bc shes only been away from us 2 nights her whole life.. and it was right across the street from where we live.

Well before we found out we were having DD#2 (last Monday) she told me that really was hoping that I was pregnant with a baby boy... not because she wanted us to have a Princess and a Prince.. but more because she didnt think that she could love another little girl as much as she does our DD#1. We told her Monday that we were expecting another sweet bundle of princess-ness... and all she said was "Oh." She has not told me congrats or anything..

Nevertheless.. we are SUPER excited to be expecting DD#2... and I just needed to vent a little because Im a little hurt that a GRAND MOTHER could say that about a precious baby!!!

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