3rd Trimester

Tried to sweep membranes, now wondering whats happening down there?

Yesterday I had an ultrasound at the hospital for the second time to check how big baby is..well he's big! :) 

Went to my OB apt after ultrasound and when she saw the results she asked if I wanted her to sweep my membranes. Bring it on!! 

So she did and it was painful, intense, tried to breathe. She said my cervix is fully closed but is softening. I had some spotting afterwards (very very minor, bright red), but since then I've been having brown discharge - (every time I pee, and after sex) but not leaking out.  

Do you think this is my mucus plug? (it's brown) Or spotting from the sweep? I'm hoping that it got things started. Next week we're doing another membrane sweep again at my next apt, as well as I'm having acupuncture two days in a row to try and get things started. Hopefully these combined will get things moving along.  

I want to know whats going on down there! And to keep some momentum..anyone else have experience with sweeping of the membranes?  





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