2nd Trimester

Throwing up during second tri? (Possible TMI)

How common is it to still have m/s during the second tri? I keep hearing that most of the vomiting stops by then... I'm fifteen weeks, and for the most part, I've been feeling fine, but I threw up several times last night. My stomach didn't really hurt too much before or after; it all just happened very suddenly.

On top of that, I also felt very hazy and congested yesterday, like I was coming down with a cold. Then, this morning, I had diarrea. So, there's that. My stomach still doesn't hurt, so I'm hoping that's a good sign.

I know, I know, if I want real medical advice I need to call my doctor, but I'm just trying to determine if all of these symptoms together could be a sign of something more serious. What do you all think? Is it not unusual to throw up later in pregnancy? 

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