2nd Trimester

Facebook and pregnancy

How much about your pregnancy do you disclose or post about on your Facebook?  I was just curious.  I have limited what I put on my Facebook regarding my pregnancy.... I've put a handful of posts the whole pregnancy and they were limited and tactful... for example we decided to announce our pregnancy on Thanksgiving day, I posted one u/s pick with the caption "Thankful today for our growing family" (after I had announced the news to close family and friends).  Lately, many of my friends and family who don't live near me have told me how upset they are that I don't post more about my pregnancy on Facebook ( I do call and talk with them about it, if I am comfortable sharing things).... And asked for pictures (not a huge fan of belly shots...) and updates, etc, etc... I have explained that I purposefully don't post a lot about it because my acquaintances, work colleagues etc.. don't need to know every detail of my pregnancy, nor do I feel the need to share things like my awful morning sickness, growing belly and other pg related topics with the world.... Further more I have several friends on Facebook who have struggled with infertility or carrying to term and I want to be sensitive to them.  

I guess I'm just curious what other feel about posting about their pregnancies and what they keep off .... 

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