3rd Trimester

My dr wont release me from work and Im worried

I am 34 weeks pregnant and I work in a glass factory. It can be a very dangerous environment. Here is a list of what has been happening to me recently:

vision problems



grip issues with my hands( I cant seem to hold onto things at times)

when I stand for a few minutes I cant breathe and I feel as if I'm going to fall or pass out( I stand almost 6 hrs a day at work normally and have been finding things to sit on spur of the moment whenever I can)

spotting and sore on the lower half of my stomach

I feel that I am a danger to others around me and to myself in the environment I am in but my work requires a dr to take me off so I dont lose my job. I have lost a child before and I cannot go through that again. Can someone tell me what I should do to convince my dr to take me off? Im scared and all the dr's tell me is they can't take me off till something happens. I thought their job was to prevent something from happening...

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