3rd Trimester

lurker needing to whine

I don't post much I really don't have much time. I'm a 4th timer. I have 3 boys, 1 of which is special needs but I really need to whine!!! So Sunday started me off with a nice and lovely stomach bug which only lasted 24 hours but after I finally felt better my 5 year old on Tuesday wakes up covered head to toe in a rash. We find out he's allergic to amoxicillin that he had been put on the previous week for an ear infection. I go to the dr and overall I"m fine but I've put on extra weight because of swelling. My entire left side and really only my left side is swelling esp my foot its swelling until its painful to move. I've had pre e two other times and knock on wood I don't have it. BP is normal and no protein in urine. Then Tuesday night. 2 out of 3 kids start the puking. So my husband and I spend all night cleaning up and taking care of 2 sick kids. Today is Wednesday our taxes were suppose to be here but there not and we finally have the 2 puking kids almost done to have number 3 start throwing up at school and now its still all pukey in this house!!!!!!! I feel like I haven't slept since Saturday between myself being sick then 3 sick kids, my foot is completely bothering me and I just want all the germs gone before this baby gets here (edd March 6th) 
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