2nd Trimester

Lets talk about Boobs!

So lets face it, I was a late bloomer - but they were worth the wait, once they came they were beautiful! Now being pregnant, I feel like they are ruined. Not that it really matters because its all for such an amazing reason, but I wish I just knew what to expect in advance. They have more then doubled in size, not that I'm complaining but they are so full sometimes they get in the way. Noone told me my nipple surroundings would be become the size of pancakes either. And I've noticed lately my nips themselves are larger and pointing oddly. My chest has also become a road map in regards to all of the blue veins you now can see everywhere.  I'm sure this is only the first few changes of what is yet to happen. I do plan on trying to breast feed (why wouldn't you, there are so many benefits!) but someday hope to have my gorgeous lady bumps back. Thanks for listening to my inappropriate vent. :)
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