2nd Trimester

Guess I should intro myself since I'm enjoying your drama!

Hi there! I was lurking here this week since my 1st tri ends in a few days, but the FB/doctor's note/ job-losing mayhem sucked me in, lol!

I'm Kelly, 35 and DH is J, 34. My journey to a BFP is in my sig/blog and I usually post on PAIF and my BMB. I recognize a few of you, both for the others, I say hola!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: best of me + best of him = best baby ever (we hope).
~ Peas & Carrots with Ruby20! ~
After 22 cycles and 4 failed IUIs, we finally got our BFP with IVF/ICSI!
EDD 8/21/12, DOB 8/28/12
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