3rd Trimester

2+ time Mommas Feeling guilty...

As much as I know I shouldn't feel guilty, I am having a hard time not feeling bad about leaving my daughter at home when I am in the hospital. It breaks my heart to think about her coming to the hospital and having to leave with family after visiting (especially if she cries it comes time to go). 

I am in the home stretch and my mind keeps drifting to how she will cope with me not being home to put her to bed and not being there when she wakes up in the morning. It just makes me sad, because I don't want her to not be with us. I have been considering having my husband go home to her at night, but at the same time, I am worried about him bonding with the new baby. I think it is important for him to spend time with the new baby especially since those are the only days he'll have off from work. 

I just hope the time in the hospital flies, and I am so exhausted I don't even think about it.   

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