Upstate NY Babies

Took A to the Sleep Specialist

So today I took A to the sleep specialist and it ended up being a way different outcome than I expected. I went in fully thinking that it was going to be a phase, related to the baby, etc....and partially it is.

They think she might have 1 of 2 things-either restless leg syndrome or sleep apnea. So, we have to go through a sleep study (lord help me) and bloodwork (lord help me again) before we have definite answers, but honestly these were not on my radar at all.

I'm sort of relieved that we might have a reason for this crazy sleep pattern, but at the same time I don't want my baby having any medical issues either. I went to the appt alone and I wish DH would have been there-he thinks its all a bunch of garbage I think and doesnt want to admit/believe that A might need help or have a problem. Of course hes ticked at our pediatrician and already called him to have a phone conference to get his thoughts on the whole thing-that should be interesting.

 So the sleep study is scheduled at the end of March (I wanted a weekend night so it set us back a long time) unless theres a cancellation-hopefullly after that we'll have some answers.

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