3rd Trimester

"just stopping over" + VENT

So I literally have lost all patience with my IL's.  Specifically because they have been nothing but trouble since my pregnancy began.  They don't want to pay for the shower because "my family has way more people", yet want their family invited.  They dont want to buy a gift because they are crying they have no money...yet just paid for my SIL to go on a tropical vacation and reno'ed their entire kitchen.  They have issues with everything on my registry and have opinions about everything.  My MIL went out and bought a pack n play (despite the fact that we need one and havent gotten it yet) because she THINKS the baby will be sleeping over...umm no.  She planned a party for HER FRIENDS just after my due date so that her friends can see the baby....the list could go on and on. 

But in the last week they have "stopped over" unannounced 4 times, then invited themselves to dinner at my house tomorrow (FYI: my husband doesnt cook, I do).  The worst part about it is, last time I caught my MIL rummaging through the baby's room, going through all the clothes I have acquired, the baby's closet, my hospital bag...everything.  It is driving me INSANE...so much so that I had to spend my Valentines Day in L&D last night because of early contractions.  Does anyone else deal with this crap?  I tell my husband, but of course its his mother and up until last night, he didn't understand why it was a big deal because she's "excited".  There's a difference between excited and insane.  Not to mention she's extremely jealous of my family and says things about me and my family that should NOT be said...so of course she isnt my favorite person.

Anywho...did anyone experience this before your baby came?  and after?  I'm super concerned with people (specifically my MIL) just stopping over after the baby is born.  I dont mind people coming to the hospital to see him and all that, but I kinda wanted one week for my DH and I to enjoy the baby.  We plan on telling everyone that just before he's born, but I have a STRONG feeling my MIL wont really care and will stop over anyways.

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