3rd Trimester

Any nurses/medical personal, question??

Currently taking my bp a few times a day, I am to call  and possibly be admitted if it goes over 150/100, currently runs about 140/92. I know that's a little high especially for me but this question is not about me actually it's about my husband.He took his BP for shi*s and giggles and it's been reading higher than mine about 148/105. I am concerned for him, he doesn't go to the doctors either. He is a big guy (not heavy per say but I guess what you would call husky). Plus obviously likes red meat, drinking, light smoking, and has a pretty stressful job. How bad is this pressure reading? He did it again today and it was about the same. Is this something that a doctor would put him on meds for? I just told him if he could monitor it and if it continues I'd like him to call his doctor...
Oct1201212 Twins born at 34w2d, Allison, 3lb,4oz-Ethan, 4lb7oz, both 16 1/2 inches. Out of Difficulties Grow Miracles BestBuddiesBoy AprilPosseMultiLilypie Premature Baby tickers
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