2nd Trimester

Valentine's Memories.....

I just wanted to share our night with you girls last night. It was so cute! DH had to work late, he called me at 10:30pm to let me know he was on his way home. He only works 15min from the house so I had to hustle! I made a quick throwback to our first true date when we fell in love. Valentines Day 1998 he took me to Big Boy where he had a Big Boy hamburger, onion rings, coke and a strawberry malt, and I had a basket of onion rings, ice water and a strawberry malt.

So I already had the deep fryer going so I threw in the onion rings, and quickly made two strawberry malts. I had already printed out the Big Boy logo and had that on the table, along with a hand written "menu" of what we had that night 14 years ago, as well as the letter he had written for me that day all those years ago. I tied a pink ribbon on the puppy and we waited for him to get home. He came home with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and goodies for the puppy for Valentine's Day. Then we sat together and enjoyed our basket of onion rings and strawberry malts together! It was so nice. Nothing extravagent, just simple and sweet.

Just wanted to share with you ladies. How were all your Valentines' Days?

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