Upstate NY Babies

HLG- Valentine's "cheats"?

So I scarfed down my Valentine's day binge dinner I had been dreaming about and then felt like total and complete sh!t all night. I had an order of pan-fried dumplings, a gigantic piece of frosted chocolate cake, 2 caramel hearts, a piece of raisin bread (one of my faves) and a big glass of Shiraz. To make it worse I couldn't work out after b/c my *hurt ankle was swollen and sore. Why is food SO SO good?!!?

* I never posted b/c it's been coming and going. Saturday night I fell on ice in our driveway, I was carrying B and didn't want to drop him so I fell kinda sideways and twisted my ankle. It's fine in the morning but by dinner time it hurts to walk. It's super awesome timing with my 2.5wks til a bathing suit workout schedule :(

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