
Post C-section tummy HELP!!!

Okay mom's I need help please!!! 

I had my c section waaaay back on September 17th, it wasn't a scheduled section, but everything went fine and I healed up fine. I have been struggling with constipation ever since though (sorry TMI) My concern is my tummy. It seems to be getting bigger, not smaller:(

I eat healthy, don't drink any pop or anything carbonated for that matter and drink a ton of water. I exclusive breastfeed and am only a couple pounds away from my pre baby weight. What am I doing wrong? I work out, both cardio and crunches and leg lifts.

Did any other moms experience a belly that won't go away? I swear I still look 5 months pregnant. It starts out not too bad in the morning but is BIG at the end of the day. Also, my belly button still protrudes like it did when I was pregnant. I would love any advice and tips or just hearing that someone else is experiencing the same thing. 


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