2nd Trimester

Second Trimester Stressors


 I have been having more stress than anticipated throughout pregnancy. My husband and I have been married 2 1/2 years and were together for 6 years prior to marriage. We have had a good relationship. Suddenly, at the beginning of my second trimester (I am 23 weeks right now), he decided he wants a divorce. This is our first child. He became very verbally and emotionally hurtful (almost abusive) to me. I have found out that he is seeing another woman, and she is fully aware that he is married and has a child on the way. I am just absolutely distraught that he would do such a thing to me, to our child and to our family. I am concerned about the baby. The baby is viable, I feel movement on a daily basis and my recent ultrasound indicates baby is doing ok and measures appropriately. But, I know I am not doing everything I can to protect myself and our baby. My husband has seen an attourney and plans to file for divorce, but is waiting until after the baby arrives to do so (apparently for custody reasons). I lost weight in my second trimester, and I know I'm not as healthy as I normally would be. I am a registered nurse and so I am knowledgeable about how to take care of myself and baby, but I'm emotionally torn to pieces. Advice?????

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