2nd Trimester

Ugh, he won't nap question

DS is refusing to nap.  He'll play in his crib (today for 2.5 hours) and be calm and happy but refuses to fall asleep.  I know he's tired.  He rubs his eyes, he's cranky and tantrums but will not sleep.

Is this common when children learn new physical skills?

DS just started crawling about 2 weeks ago and is starting to explore more (he's finally crawling out of the living room).  Could it just be the explosion of physical skills (in the past 12 weeks he's learned to sit, then army crawl and now crawl on his hands and knees).  

Last night he slept from 10-7 with 1 wake up so it's not like he's sleeping 14 hours a night. 

I realize what life is all about
It's hangin' on when your heart has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
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