2nd Trimester

Moms of +2 - third trimester u/s

 I'm probably being a drama queen, but I figured I would at least ask.  This is my third baby.  For my two previous pregnancies, I had two u/s(s): the 1st around 8 weeks and 2nd around 20 weeks.  Today, I went to the doctor and he told me that I could schedule an u/s for either of my next two appointments.  I kind of panicked and asked if everything was ok because I never had a 3rd tri u/s before.  He told me all is well, and that ideally they would like to offer 3rd tri u/s for everyone because they can see things a little more.  However, they don't routinely schedule 3rd tri u/s because of insurance issues.  He said I have good insurance and that a 3rd tri u/s shouldn't be a problem.

I assume he would tell me if there were any problems or a reason to be concerned.  Has anyone else had a 3rd tri u/s just as a check up?  I am not referring to one around 38 weeks to check on amniotic fluid and growth - rather just a 30 week u/s.


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