2nd Trimester

Questions Galore (Please bear with me)!

Hey ladies! Long time, no talk. :)

My next doctor's appointment is this Friday, and I have SO many questions to ask when I get there. I thought maybe I should check in with you ladies to see if you all are going through some of the same things as I am.

First off, I've been feeling a LOT of movement really low. When I first started feeling baby move, it's been above my belly button. But now, he's been kicking/punching/stretching really low in my abdomen - far below my belly button. I've heard of some theories as to why this could be, and I'm kind of scared.

Secondly, I've been having a LOT of "water" cramps.  You know when you've drank a lot of water, then work out and get that very specific cramp? Yeah, those.  They happen most often during sex - like, to the point that I have to stop. Anyone else? 

 Also, I STILL have this terrible "pregnant" taste going on in my mouth that I thought was supposed to have gone away by now. It sucks. The taste is sometimes unbearable to the point that I can't eat or do anything without gagging. 

Lastly, I AM GETTING ACNE. Sure, I know this is 'normal' of pregnancy because of the spiked hormones. But what in the WORLD do I do about it? I'm already uncomfortable because I feel fat (yes, I know I'm pregnant and it's 'beautiful'), but now my face looks terrible - especially since I've never struggled with acne before. 

Sigh. I just need someone to tell me if I'm over-exaggerating, or what. Thanks, guys! 

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