3rd Trimester

Braxton Hicks?

Ive felt a little cramping in my abdomen from time to time since maybe like 33wks-nothing serious, but twice this weekend & once today Ive had cramping that went all the way around my back & front midsection that stopped me dead in my tracks. It almost feels like really intense poop cramps. (sorry tmi) Im a FTM so Im assuming this is braxton hicks? All 3 times that it has happened its only been for a few seconds & hasnt happened again so its not like I can time them or anything but OMG does it hurt! Im starting to get really nervous about labor & if I will be able to handle it. :( Before getting pregnant, I hardly ever got menstrual cramps so this is like really intense for me!!

 P.S. I have my 38wk appointment tomorrow with my 1st internal exam so I will be asking my MW about this, but just wanted to know if any of you ladies have any thoughts? TIA! :) 

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