2nd Trimester

Elective Early Gender u/s

Hi Ladies,

I am super impatient and can't wait to find our if we are having a boy or a girl and so I booked an early gender elective u/s for this Friday when I should be 16w according to my LMP. Well we just got our NT scan results back and turns out I'm measuring a few days behind and will probably be 15w2d at this u/s now instead of 16w. The facility said they *can* tell as early as 15w but if they can't they will bring you back the next week for a recheck.

 So my question is for those of you who found out the gender early what is the earliest you found out? Can they really tell at 15w? I am debating just rescheduling my appt for the following week because I would hate to get my hopes up and then be disappointed if they can't tell. On the other hand, like I said before I am SO impatient and feel like I cannot wait another minute! 


Thoughts/opinions appreciated! Thanks.  

BFP #3 11/27/11, EDD 8/3/12 BabyFruit Ticker
BFP #1 8/1/11, Natural MC 8/12/11 6 weeks
BFP #2 9/25/11, Natural MC 10/3/11 6 weeks

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