2nd Trimester

Has Anyone tried "Intelligender" at home Gender Test?

Hi Everyone!

Wondering how many of you out there have tried the Intelligender at home gender test? Most people have either tried it or know someone who has tried it... you can take it as early as 10 weeks... I took it over the weekend (almost at 13 weeks) -- and it came out to be a BOY... my sister and best friend both used this test - both got BOY results - and both are having boys!! .. I have read though that some people have gotten BOY results and still end up having girls...I know this is "just for fun" - and said to be something like 80% accurate...and I promised myself I wouldn't take it too seriously - but of course now I am over thinking - because this whole time I have "felt" like this was a GIRL!! 

Any thoughts/experiences with Intelligender would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance! 

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