January 2012 Moms

Late birth story! (Team green, long, PIP)

Starting having contractions in the middle of the night on January 22nd. Around 9:00am woke up, went to the restroom with strong contractions and had a pink tinged discharge. I knew I would be having a baby today. Contractions kept getting stronger throughout the day to the point of which they could be timed. Started cleaning the bathroom, did dishes, started laundry, and straightened upstairs. Spent the mid-day downstairs watching the Caps v. Penguins game timing contractions, pacing, and trying to find a comfortable position (not possible). DH jumped in the shower and started getting all of our bags together and packing any last minute items. DH tried to get me to take a shower, but I just couldn't muster the strength, the contractions were getting more intense. I put on my headed to the hospital clothes and started pacing upstairs. The car was packed and I threw in the towel, it was time to go to the hospital. We headed off to have a baby around 4:30 and let the family know we were on our way!

I didn't want a wheelchair and walked the long hall down to L&D.  All hooked up (about 5 pm) I was 5cm dilated and my bag of water was "bulging". They called to have the anesthesiologist head my way.  They told me that I could either get the epidural then or wait until the anesthesiologist was done with a surgery he was scheduled for--I opted for then instead of later! Finally the epidural was in and I no longer felt contractions. It was wonderful. DH kept checking the monitor and could tell how bad the contractions were getting and couldn't believe I couldn't feel them. The doctor came in and checked me again and said I was 8 cm, the baby was in the +2 position, and while she was checking, my water spontaneously burst all over the place! I had gotten the epidural in the nick of time! The nurses and doctor were so surprised how quickly I was progressing.

The next time I saw the doctor, she was in her scrubs and we were ready to do some practice pushes. It was very exhausting. The nurses had me change positions to push and labor due to the decrease in the baby's heart rate. I went from my back, to my left side, to all fours, then returning to my back where I would eventually stay and deliver. DH was holding on to my left leg and was an amazing support. It was very hard and I felt the urge to give up sometimes saying "I can't do this!". DH and the nurses kept up the encouragement especially when they could see progress and that was very good to hear. The head was crowning and the nurses kept saying how much hair the baby had! I knew I just needed to get the head and shoulders out and I would have relief. Finally, the baby's head was out and the doctor said "it looks like a girl!", for some reason I knew she was wrong. I knew it was a boy in my heart. I passed the shoulders after a couple more pushes and the rest of the baby just slipped out. I felt more amniotic fluid follow behind the baby which felt like a huge relief. They held the baby up and it was a boy!!!!!!!! William Michael was born at 10:09 pm on January 22, 2012! (his due date!) They put him on my chest and I started crying a mixture of exhaustion, relief, amazement, awe, and happiness. I looked at DH and he had sweat falling from his brow and tears coming from his eyes. Liam was so clean because of all of the amniotic fluid and his skin was the softest I had ever felt. DH cut the umbilical cord (something he said he didn't want to do).

DH stayed with me for a moment, then walked over in amazement to see his little boy. I kept telling the nurses and doctor that I can't believe that just happened. I was in shock, it was a surreal moment. The doctor was waiting for me to deliver the placenta which I did with her help. She showed it to me and I said, "Ew! That is gross!". The doctor didn't say how bad I tore, she just said I tore up, down, and sideways. DH brought Liam over to me while I was getting stitched up. DH held him up to me as I started talking to him and he immediately looked for me! It was amazing.

Liam weighed 8lbs 5oz and was 19 3/4 inches long and every bit of amazing. He was born at 10:09pm after 50 mins of pushing. I finally was able to hold him after I was stitched up and started to breast feed. I remember his soft skin smelled so good.  Dave was able to go out and tell our family waiting that it was a boy, Liam had arrived! 


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