2nd Trimester

Is it just the hormones?

I know that this is going to sound horrible but there are days when i regret getting pregnant :( I would never change it, but i keep questioning it. Every little thing that goes wrong it seems like my mind goes back to the question of was it the right time? There are some days that i am so excited, but a lot of days that i'm not. I don't know if it's just the hormones or if i'm getting depressed or something. We did plan this and i feel bad because i'm the one who convinced my husband that we were ready, and now i have second thoughts. We have only been married 6 months and i'm almost 5 months pregnant and we're young. I guess sometimes i feel like i let baby fever get the best of me and we should have waited. Did anyone else feel like this? Is it just hormones or am i being horrible?
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