2nd Trimester

Was that a KICK?

I'm sixteen weeks 2 days, and I think I felt an actual kick today!

I was lying down for a nap and I felt this kind of 'pop' in my abdomen. It was a little like a pop and a little like a thump. It was pretty high up: about halfway between my bellybutton and my boobs. I thought it may be gas at first but then realised it was way too high up: what do you think? Was it a kick?

Also, I'm curious about something. I know that babies tend to be more active when you're trying to go to sleep, because during the day your movement lulls them to sleep. But is it some kind of body process that makes them do that? In other words, if you lay down and really relax, can you wake the baby? Or is it more because of your heart slowing, breath slowing, etc?

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