2nd Trimester

20 Wk A/S found CPC and Dilated Kidney, positive outcomes???

Hello all, 

I had my 20 week u/s a couple of weeks ago and was called last week and told they found a CPC (cyst on brain) and a slightly dilated kidney. In the whirl of news I heard amnio and soft markers for downs syndrome. Doing more research I found that cysts are very common and almost always correct themselves, and that dilated kidneys are very common in boys  (which we are having) but they are both soft markers. So....trying not to worry but thats not really working. Have another u/s in two weeks but know that just because they disapear doesn't mean my risk for downs has.  Waiting for results of quad screen now. Was wondering if anyone has any positive stories of having these two soft markers?? I hate all this not knowing!! 

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