Seattle Babies

February IF Check-In (SAIFW)

(Sorry for wonky formatting.) 

If you're new, let us know the basics - when did you start TTC, what is your diagnosis/suspicion, where are you at in the process/next steps? Please let us know if you have upcoming treatments, so we can check in with you on a more regular basis during that time. Also read this check-in often the first week it is posted so we can answer everyone's questions. (It seems prolonged to have someone ask a question in this post and not have it answered until next month's check-in!) Finally, if you have suggestions about what else should be included in the check-in or changes, throw them out there!

Currently Trying to Get Pregnant!

KRoseToes (December 2008)
Diagnosis - Severe MFI, Late ovulation, Short LP
Current status - IVF/ICIS scheduled for summer 2012

tst1998 (June 2009)
Diagnosis ?  Unexplained
Current status ?  IUIs unsuccessful, IVF 1 = c/p, FET = m/c, FET#2 scheduled for April.

babyaustin725 (TTC #2 - not preventing since Aug. 2007, actively trying since Jan. 2010)
Diagnosis - None.  No testing performed to date.  
Current status - Will try 6 cycles of Clomid after the appropriate dose is found.  After that, will discuss testing and/or additional treatments.

Kglan (TTC #2)
Diagnosis ?  One ovary, MFI 
Current status ? One son thanks to IVF! TTC child #2 with IVF.

suzie711 (TTC #2)
Diagnosis ?  Unexplained - amenorrhea
Current status ?  Will start IF treatments when first child is 2; currently in the not preventing stage and seeing naturopath.

N.CarolinaGirl (TTC #2 - October 2008)
Diagnosis - No ovulation despite LH surge, MFI
Current status ? Doctor suggested trying Metaformin

girlofsummer78 (September 2009)
Diagnosis ?  Unexplained
Current status ?  IUIs unsuccessful, first IVF unsuccessful

Angelinmind (September 2008)
Diagnosis ? Unexplained so far
Current status ? Variety of testing

HopingForMyFirstBaby (April 2010)
Diagnosis ? Severe MFI
Current status ? Saving money for IVF/ICIS and researching clinics

gakester8 (September 2011)
Diagnosis - PCOS
Current status - IUIs

Success Stories!

Diagnosis - Unknown, possible 
Current status - Pregnant with #2!

Diagnosis ? Stage II endo, AMA
Current status ? Pregnant after IVF#1

Diagnosis ?  Blocked tube, endometrial polyp, cyst, severe MFI, hypothyroidism
Current status ?  Pregnant!

Diagnosis - Polyp 
Current Status ? Pregnant!

Diagnosis - PCO on the ovaries, LH secretion syndrome, Androgen issues, very small uterus
Current status ? Pregnant!

Diagnosis ? Blocked tube 
Current Status ? Mommy to two boys! 

Diagnosis ? Idiopathic infertility
Current status ? Pregnant after IUI #3

Diagnosis - Late ovulation, short LP, don't produce enough follicles, low morphology
Current status ? Mommy to a boy thanks to successful IVF#2!

Diagnosis - Homozygous MTHFR, two copies of C667T, hyperhomocysteinemia
Current status ?Mommy to 2 girls!

Diagnosis - Severe MFI, non-obstructive azoospermia
Current Status - 8 IUI cycles and Mommy to boy/girl twins!

Diagnosis - PCOS, Short LP
Current status ?Got pregnant after using Metformin, Now Mommy to 2 kids!!


1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step?

2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related?

3) Any vents/confessions?

4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies?

~ Married: December 2005 ~ Started TTC: December 2008 ~ Diagnosis: severe MFI, late ovulation, short LP ~ IVF/ICIS in June 2012 (long lupron protocol). Stims: 6/17/12, ER: 6/30/12 (6R, 5M, 4F), ET: 7/5/12 (1 4AA embryo transferred, 0 made it to freeze)
Beta#1: 7/14/12 - 55, Beta#2: 7/16/12 - 100, Beta#3: 7/18/12 - 199
Limbo for weeks, finally confirmed pregnancy not viable: 8/13/12 ~ D&C: 8/17/12
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