2nd Trimester

sex of baby - vent

Sorry, have to vent... is anyone else going through this? My MIL (who by the way came up to our house and had the sex talk with us... charts and all...anyone want a FULL size poster of your menstrual cycle) Has asked us multiple time if we want one sex or another. We keep telling her it DOES NOT MATTER. So she called the other day and said... "oh well I really hope it's one thing." "If it is I'll be really excited and I'll tell you if it was what I was hoping for." Ummm. okay.WTH? Who says that kind of stuff. Then my BIL is saying.. oh i know you guys are having a girl, even though i was hoping it would be a boy (FOR REAL he said that) but I will love it just as much. We don't know the sex yet and my husband wants to tell them but i sure the hell do not. I'm sick of random people telling me it's a girl... because xyz..... all of a sudden everyone has these magical gender predicting powers?? It's just kind of annoying... sorry to vent.
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