2nd Trimester

Best friend get more and more distant each week ... help?

Both myself and one of my best friends TTC for 8+ years. It finally happened for me - it isn't happening for her. When I told her I was pregnant I did so in a email to allow her to deal with her emotions in private. I have been extremly sensitive and respectful of her feelings, since I obviously relate to them. 

When I hit 16 weeks the trouble started because I was showing. She and I were meeting up for a girls date we always do, and she told me that she has 0 interest in talking about the baby, if we go shopping she refuses to go near a maternity store or anything baby related. Ok .. no problem, I can respect that too.

When I hit 20 weeks and strangers started commenting on my pregnancy she got ... weird. I tried to gently ask her how I could best support her emotionally since I could see that my physical changes bothered her to see. At this point she told me she has 0 interest in ever being around my baby. She told me she just wants to maintain a friendship , but the way it was that does not involve this new part of my life. 

Since this conversation another month has passed, and I realize that her and I are sadly going in very opposite directions that dont involve each other. I can deal with the fact that some friendships dont always withstand the test of time, but I dont want to leave this is a awkward way. I really love her and it is important to me that even if this part of our lives wont be shared that she knows how much she meant to me...


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