2nd Trimester

People on number 2 or 3...how different is it?

I am pregnant with number 2 and half the time I forget I am pregnant! I mean, not literally, but I just don't think about it as much as I did with my first. I actually sometimes wonder why people ask me how I am feeling and then I am like ohhh yea, they are probably referring to the pregnancy!!!

 Another weird thing, but do you ever feel sometimes like am I doing the right thing? Please don't get me wrong, I am sure I want this baby, it was planned, and I am thrilled. But sometimes I will be having an awesome day with my son and I just hope I made the right decision and that it won't change what I have. There are also the occasional bad days with my son and I wonder to myself if I made the right decision or if I am crazy for having two only two years apart! I would love to hear how you felt if you are on your third, and how it all worked out once you actually physically had the two of them home together. If you are pregnant with number two like I am, do you ever get these same feelings?

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