3rd Trimester

Natural Birth Success Story!

On Monday Feburary 6, 2012 I was craving some spicy crawfish. I ate about 5lbs of crawfish an went on with my day. Later that night I went to a mexican resturant with my best friend. I began to have some mild labor pains. So we decided to go to walmart an pick up some more things for the baby; ignoring the mild pains we walked around for about 30-45 minutes. Upon arriving home at 10pm, I noticed the pains were getting worse. Starting at about 8-10 apart, my contractions was getting more an more intense. I made a phone call to my doctor. Who reassured me if they become 3-5 minutes apart to come to the hospital. In less than an hour my contractions began to get closer. I decided to go to the hospital to make sure I wasn't in labor. After taking a 45 minute drive to the hospital, my contractions was now 2-4 minutes apart. My doctor put me in an monitored me for an hour before he admitted me. After an hour of being monitored my doctor realized I was in active labor @ 38 weeks pregnant. Around 9am my water broke. The pain was becoming unbearable.  Being in active labor for 8 1/2 hours; I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy @ 11:16am on Feburary 7, 2012 6lbs 10 oz an 19". I am very excited that my son is here. He is so adorable, an my 3 year old is such a big help. Now I am home an we are settled. I would like to thank all the ladies for their support, even tho some were very negative. I thank you all for you input. And good luck to the rest of you. I pray that you guys have a healthy child an a speedy birth.  Big Smile
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