3rd Trimester

XP: For those considering Mirena...

Also posted on 0-3

Just wanted to share my experience. I had Mirena placed about 8 weeks after DD was born. Had a little cramping and spotting that day and the day after. For a couple months following had sporadic spotting, but nothing I would call a period. After I weaned DD (at 13.5 months) I began getting a regular monthly period, although very light. Had Mirena removed this December, came out no problem. And a few days ago I got a BFP!

Just wanted to share a positive experience. I had heard some horror stories and was a little worried about getting it. But now I would recommend it to anyone. Obviously every woman's body is different and you may react differently. But it worked perfectly for us.

Hoping you all have healthy babies and smooth deliveries!



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