3rd Trimester

RE: "Advice"...update!

I called my OB, who sent me to L&D. When I got there (and when I left) I was still 1cm and 80% effaced, even after all the blood and mucus and other nastiness. I was monitored for a good 2 & 1/2 hours, and my nurse told me that my contractions were very consistent (1 every 4 minutes lasting 60 seconds) and that they were VERY intense to not be causing me any pain (or any more spotting) at all. She said that I am in the early stages of labor and that my body is almost there, but still trying to figure out exactly how to 'do things.' She predicts that I will be in full, active labor by the end of the weekend, but I am not going to get too excited in case nothing changes. She did, however, say that she doesn't think there is any way I will make it to my induction day on the 24th, so that is very good! I don't think I will last another 2 weeks either.

So, that is exciting! I'm supposed to call or go back in once they start becoming painful. I'm still having them roughly every 4-5 minutes, so we shall see! Thank you girls for asking for updates, it makes the process more fun and less hectic :)

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