2nd Trimester

hyperemesis gravidarum

So I found out yesterday that I have HG.  I would love to hear from other mommies who have this too.  What has been your biggest challenges?  Have you found anything helpful to bring some relief? What kind of weight loss have you had? Have you been able to keep working during this?

Thanks to Allie on this board, one of her replies reminded me that I did see "hypermesis" on my hospital papers.  At the time, I was so upset to be sent to the hospital that when I saw the word that I had no idea what it meant... it got over shadowed by everything else I was thinking about.

Is it weird that my Dr. has never specifically told me that this is what I have and talked to me about treating it and what it would do to me? I feel let down by my Dr. He always seems so surprised when I go to see him once a month that I have keytones in my urine and have lost weight. He tells me I am not drinking enought water even though I drink a lot every day.

He always listens to the fetal heart tones and makes sure that the baby seems to be growing, but it almost seems to be that as long as the baby seems to be OK, that he doesn't care too much for the mom. :(  Maybe I am being dramatic... wouldn't be the first time. :)

Anyways, please feel free to share whether you have HG yourself and just know about it.  I appreciate all of your replies!

Thank you!


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