Single Parents

Diagnosing to soon?

So at 18 months the pedi was worried cause DD was only saying "mama," "dadda," and "no" at the time. So she said by 2 years we need to see a specialist. Well, my aunt, my mom's best friend and our neighbor said now a-days they assume things to early(they're all nurses)... well DD is gonna be 2 in a week and she says "mama," dadda," kelsey(auntie, godmother)," go,""ouch," "owie,"... she says alot more now then before. It kinda makes me wonder about pedi's assumptions being too soon?

ALSO, DD started crawling at 6 mths and walking at 10 mths.

Basically I think they need to have more lead way with their supposed assumptions. I'm not a dr...but obviously DD is doing fine just shortly behind.

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