2nd Trimester

Hairy Scary! Anyone else?

Okay, So I know they say that hair growth is normal during pregnancy, but oh my goodness. I feel like a wookie.

A few days ago my sweet hubby looked at my tummy and said "When did you get a happy trail?" I have ALWAYS had blonde body hair and I swear overnight it turned black and LONG!

My legs are another story, I've given up all together on them. I used to be able to shave once a week. Now its like I need to twice a day to keep up.

And then yesterday I was looking in the mirror (okay I was inspecting for blackheads, you do it too) and I noticed that my peach fuzz was growing.  Most of it is not so bad, but I found one (honest) that was 3 inches long on my cheek! Where the heck did that come from?!

Is anyone else having these 'problems' or am I the only hairy scary out there? (please don't let it be just me) Please share Smile


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