New Mexico Babies


Anyone do or know someone who has done a VBAC in NM?  I had to have a cesarean with my son because he was a preemie, and in distress, but my Dr even said as she was sewing me up that I would be a good VBAC candidate in the future.  We may be moving to NM in the fall, and I recently came across the ICAN list here ( and it looks like most NM hospitals ban VBAC.  Specifically we'd be moving to Los Alamos area, if anyone is around there. 
TTC since June 2010
1/5/11 Femara Cycle #1 = BFN
2/4/11 Femara Cycle #2 = BFP: 3/4/11 - Starting Progesterone supositiories
Beta#1 15DPO = 108; Beta#2 17DPO = 179; Beta#3 18DPO = 259; Beta 4# 20DPO =659!!
Teacher Bud BFP Chart
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
"I might have to wait/I'll never give up/I guess it's half timing and the other half luck/wherever you are/whenever it's right/you'll come out of nowhere and into my life"
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