3rd Trimester

Needed a laugh today

My parents (God bless them) are in their 70s and on a fixed income.  My mom scours garage sales and mails baby and toddler clothing all of the time.  In the past, my son has been the recipient of an Osh Kosh overall short set (circa 1995), a cordoroy onesie (don't ask me how she found that one), and no less than 8 pairs of pjs that weren't flame retardant.

I can see the intent and the love behind the gifts, but I still have to laugh when I open the box.  Today's mailing brings a cable knit sweater, cordoroy pants, 2 hooded sweatshirts, and a heavy fleece coat--all of these items fit our son perfectly and he'd get a lot of use out of them--if we didn't live in San Diego where it's currently 76 degrees!  Ha ha ha!

I dutifully call Mom and thank her for the gifts and I can tell how happy she is that we received the box.  The mystery gifts make my day--even if my son can't wear them.  I know one day my parents won't be here, so I cherish these silly gifts if for no other reason that they crack me up. 

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