3rd Trimester


You'd think I would like, be more prepared and in the know for this type of thing, but I'm not.

My contractions have started again, but they are painless. They are SO EFFING INTENSE though...it feels like my stomach is going to split open, and I feel some pressure in my vag with each one. I have been timing them since 10:10, and they started out exactly 5 minutes apart and have worked down to 3 minutes apart, and have lasted roughly 1min-1min 30sec. I don't need to call, right? I'm not spotting again or anything, just having intense, uncomfortable contractions.

 I just keep asking for advice because I stupidly keep googling and reading that some women weren't in pain, but were like me with the painless-timeables and went into L&D to find they were 7cms and stuff. So now I'm thinking 'what if this is me?!' So frustrating.

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