Single Parents

Awkward and Awesome

Sorry so late on this post, I've been kinda busy the past few days.

So what have your awkward and awesome moments of this week been?

Awkward: Showing up at daycare with DS's diaper full of poo. I was so embarrassed. He hadn't gone in over a day, and I checked him before I left the house, and he managed to do it in the car. UGH, I felt like they must've thought I left it for them! That and when I picked him up his teacher said he pooped another 3 more times after that *palm face*. Never thought I'd be embarrassed by my own kid in that way. Lol.

Awesome: I've had a 3 day pass to a local gym. I've really enjoyed going for the past 2 days. I've pretty much worked myself sore. The physical release of working out has made me feel good and capable of handling all this stress. I want to sign up soon as I get my taxes back. :]

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