2nd Trimester

Team Green pressures

My husband and I are Team Green and have resisted temptations to find out the sex of the baby in our ultrasound a couple of weeks ago as well as a Level 2 ultrasound yesterday.  We told family and friends months ago that we would not be finding out the sex and most seemed to be OK with it.  But now that we are sticking to our guns and still don't know, the annoyance from others is starting to show.  I've heard comments like, "Can't you have the tech write down the sex and give it to me?  I won't tell!" and "It sure would make it easier for me to buy you a gift if I knew the sex of the baby" and "I really think you're going to regret this choice."

I'm curious what other things Team Green people have heard and if there are any good snappy comebacks you can share when people say such insensitive things.  

IAmPregnant Ticker
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