2nd Trimester

How much physical activity can you withstand right now?

I was a very active person prior to being pregnant. Becuase of my hi-risk pregnancy my doctor put me on pelvic rest and forbid exersise. The exception is my job and my doctor has allowed me to continue with my normal habits with the exception that I no longer carry the 30+ lbs of gear I need while doing it.  ( I walk a LOT, stand on my feet for 8+ hours a day and of then this involves what I would describe as a light hike)

Every since I hit 20 weeks .. I am just literaly exhausted with what I consider my normal job activity. At 22 weeks BH contractions started EVERY SINGLE TIME I walk up hills (which is rather often) and kicks in usually even on flat surfaces by 20 min into walking.

Suggestions ...? I am trying to stay fit, and maintain my normal speed while working, but this is becoming very trying, and somewhat frustrating to have to explain to my clients that I need a break every 20 min.  

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