January 2012 Moms

Going to introduce bottle at next feeding

I'm heartbroken about it because I feel like BFing has been so succesful and after having to EP for DD, I am so grateful for being able to BF this time.  But DS is 4 weeks old today so I know I need to introduce a bottle soon since we have some things coming up where DS won't be able to join me (including a concert tomorrow night).  We have a wedding in 2 weeks that kids aren't allowed at and it's 2 hours away from home so we have to have bottle feeding down by then at least.  So I just pumped and have a bottle ready for DS when he wakes up.  I'm really emotional about it but I know I'll be happy to have a little more freedom from DS by giving him a bottle.  Hopefully it won't stop him from BFing in the long run.

Any advice is welcomed!

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